Light pink and blue 'Mortgage Brain' logo on a grey background.
Home / Administrator


If you spend all your time managing customers’ cases, you need technology that you can trust. A mortgage administrator like you needs accurate information at your fingertips, good lines of communication, and most of all you need a quick way of collecting client information that is time efficient.

How we can help

For the customer, moving house will be one of the most stressful things they ever do. The way you handle their case will make or break their experience and if your tools aren’t up to the job, that will be difficult. Would a CRM platform with a client portal where customers can input their own information and exchange documents securely help?

Keying in information is a drain on your time too. Our platforms integrate to give the user one single journey. That means you can key in once within our CRM and find that information pre-populated throughout the rest of our sourcing and submission solutions. Isn’t it time you talked to us?

colour illustration of office task being completed using The Key or Web Brain

Products for administrators

CRM Brain

Your ultimate mortgage management solution

  • A true SasS system
  • Client Portal
  • Built by industry experts


See solution
CRM Brain | CRM Brain logo white

Submissions Brain

Multi-lender submissions gateway

  • Submit to seven lenders simultaneously
  • Minimise rekeying
  • Save and return to forms
See solution
Submissions Brain - Reversed out Submissions Brain logo


Logo | SBS intermediary

Test testimonial

“Integrating Mortgage Brain’s criteria database and affordability calculator into our website helps brokers quickly and easily find information to make an informed decision.”

Ben Ashman | Independent Mortgage Adviser

“Uinsure make my GI process so easy and SELECT enables me to quickly arrange a referral for my client and provide them with an expert that will ensure my client has everything they need.”

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Tony Field | Sales Director

“The new features and integrations on SELECT have provided us with the confidence to roll the platform out to all of our brokers.”

Logo | The Mortgage Mum

The Mortgage Mum

“Criteria Brain, Affordability Brain and Sourcing Brain help our team so much on a daily basis, and most importantly they help our clients. They are easy to navigate and full of information.”

Logo | Commercial Trust

Simon Fenton | Finance Manager

“Criteria Brain helps us check lender criteria against client circumstances. This fantastic system helps advisers check multiple criteria. Quicker than scrolling through lender sites.”

We are here to help you.
If you have any questions contact us