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Lender Strategy Team

You need a strategy if you’re planning on entering the market, enhancing a product, or seeking to grow an existing portfolio. Data is a critical component for your Lender Strategy Team. It gives you a real insight into your target customers and markets.

How we can help

Our data insight solutions support critical strategic planning and support decision-making at the highest level with detailed data.

Discover strategy solutions

Products for lenders

Insights Brain

Use our data for a comprehensive view of the market

  • Benchmark product performance
  • Discover criteria popular with advisers
  • Evaluate your competitors
See solution
Reversed out Insights Brain logo

Distribution Brain

Get your products seen across the market

  • Excellent market coverage
  • Verify your own product information
  • Reduce advisers’ need to contact you
See solution
Reversed out Distribution Brain logo

Services Brain

Bespoke packages for your business

  • Take advantage of our expertise
  • Affordability calculators built for you
  • Use our criteria to power your policy pages
See solution
Reversed out Services Brain logo


Ben Ashman | Independent Mortgage Adviser

“Uinsure make my GI process so easy and SELECT enables me to quickly arrange a referral for my client and provide them with an expert that will ensure my client has everything they need.”

Tony Field | Sales Director

“The new features and integrations on SELECT have provided us with the confidence to roll the platform out to all of our brokers.”

The Mortgage Mum

“Criteria Brain, Affordability Brain and Sourcing Brain help our team so much on a daily basis, and most importantly they help our clients. They are easy to navigate and full of information.”

Simon Fenton | Finance Manager

“Criteria Brain helps us check lender criteria against client circumstances. This fantastic system helps advisers check multiple criteria. Quicker than scrolling through lender sites.”

Sesame Bankhall Group

Alex Beavis | Director of Mortgage and Protection

“Thousands of our advisers across PMS, Bankhall and Sesame depend on Mortgage Brain daily for access to a wide range of tech propositions to help them work more efficiently.”

Image of Mortgage Brain logo

We are here to help you.
If you have any questions contact us